
Becoming a Capital Provider

By staking with Pramb, you become a vital part of our platform, contributing to the security and stability of the DeFi ecosystem. As a capital provider, you play a crucial role in backing our insurance policies and ensuring that Pramb can meet its obligations to policyholders.

How Staking Works:

  1. Choose Your Staking Term: Select a staking term that suits your investment goals. Pramb offers flexible staking terms of 30, 60, 90, 120 days, and more.

  2. Deposit Capital: Deposit your chosen cryptocurrency into Pramb's designated staking pool for the selected term.

  3. Earn Daily Rewards: Your staked capital will be used to back insurance policies, and in return, you'll earn a portion of the premiums paid by policyholders. Rewards are calculated daily and can be claimed at any time.

  4. Access Your Capital: Your staked capital will be locked for the duration of the chosen staking term. You can withdraw your capital and any accumulated rewards once the staking term has ended.

Benefits of Staking with Pramb:

  • Flexible Staking Terms: Choose the staking term that best aligns with your investment strategy.

  • Daily Rewards: Earn rewards daily and claim them at your convenience.

  • Passive Income: Generate passive income while your capital is locked.

  • Diversification: Diversify your crypto holdings and earn a yield on your idle assets.

  • Contribute to DeFi Security: Help protect the DeFi community by providing the capital needed for insurance coverage.

  • Community Participation: Become a valued member of the Pramb community and participate in our governance processes.

Getting Started:

  1. Visit the Pramb platform and connect your wallet.

  2. Navigate to the staking section and select your desired staking term.

  3. Choose the asset you wish to stake and enter the amount.

  4. Confirm the transaction and start earning rewards!

Don't Risk It, Insure It.

Join Pramb today and become a capital provider to earn rewards and contribute to a safer DeFi ecosystem.

Last updated